Ultimate Mushroom Resource list

We are endlessly grateful for everyone who has so freely shared their mycological knowledge and those who have published open-access papers, images, websites, articles, and more.

Compiled by Sigrid Jakob for NYMS and FUNDIS




Articles on mycology, science and history

Fungi magazine                    

A lot of the older articles are available as pdfs


Foray Newfoundland and Labrador's excellent newsletter

The Mycophile              

NAMA's newsletter

Mushroom the Journal 

Magazine covering taxonomy, interviews, travel + more                 


Journal of the Mycological Society of America


The international journal of fungal taxonomy/ nomenclature

General reference                              

Mushroom Expert              

Michael Kuo's website

Les champignons du Quebec

An invaluable resource. In French - if you don't read French, use Google Translate

Champignons de Charente-Maritime

PDF files of common mushrooms. In French.


Large repository of older mushroom books and journal articles

Mushroom description        

How to describe a mushroom’s morphological characteristics        

David Moore's World of Fungi

Excellent articles on fungal biology and ecology

Specific Types of Fungi                       

Agarics and Agaricales

By Jacob Kalichman

Alabama Fungi

By Alabama Mushroom Society


Rod Tulloss's Amanita pages


Björn Wergen’s site - not fully finished yet but great detailed images and descriptions (also Oomycetes, Zygomycota etc)


By Michel Hairaud- some aspects of the site require a membership. Click around much of the information is free. 


By the non-profit Ascomycete.org

Freshwater Ascomycetes

General background and database of species


By Mushroom Research Foundation


Roy Halling's bolete projects

Cortinarius of the North East

Large North Eastern Cortinarius pdf by Mycoquebec

Cortinarius in North America

By Shannon Adams

Crust fungi

Alden Dirks’ crust fungi website


By Joshua Birkebak


By Mushroom Research Foundation

Freshwater Fungi

By Mushroom Research Foundation

Fungicolous Fungi

By John Plischke, downloadable


By Henry Beker

Marine Fungi

By E.B.G. Jones


Josef Vlaslik’s polypore site. Lots of polypore photos, with many collections originating in the North East.


Polypores of British Columbia. West coast oriented but lots of relevant species with keys and color photos.

Presentations on various types of fungi 

By Michael Beug

Presentations on various types of fungi 

By Dianna Smith

Rare mushrooms of Western NA

Recently-released free book with good general introduction on how to collect mushrooms for study


NYMS intro presentation 

Slime molds

Sarah Lloyd’s website


By Mushroom Research Foundation

Truffles of North America

By North American Truffling Society

Wood, Fungi Growing on          

Gary Emberger's site on wood-decay fungi (click on Species List)


By Roo Vandegrift

Blogs and article collections             

Alden Dirks’s 1001 Mushrooms

Alden’s series on 1001 edible mushrooms

Deep Funga blog                                  

The Fungal Diversity Survey’s  blog

Forest Floor Narrative                           

Blog about mycology, conservation and ecology


A huge selection of downloadable mycological literature

Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month            

A series of articles covering common and rare fungi

Weird and Wonderful Wild Mushrooms 

Jan Thornhill's fascinating mushroom blog

iNaturalist and Mushroom Observer

How to create iNat observations

A step-by-step guide for beginners (NYMS focus)

Fungal Diversity Survey iNat project

Add high quality observations to FunDiS’ database for used by science and conservation

How to use iNaturalist for fungi

Video with instructions          

How to use iNat with your mobile phone

Video with instructions

Mushroom Observer

A citizen science platform dedicated to fungi

Fungal biology                                   

The Fifth Kingdom                               

Introduction to the fungal kingdom

Fungal evolution                                  

Connects fungal trees; pathbreaking paper in Nature

Evolution of the basidiomycota             

Downloadable article in Fungal Diversity

Outline of fungi

Provides an up-to-date outline of fungal families + genera

How many fungi are there?                  

Influential article by Meredith Blackwell

Fungal evolution: diversity, taxonomy, phylogeny  

Downloadable article in Biological Reviews

Bigger picture reading                                               

Your local library likely offers free download of e-books about fungi including field guides     

The mushroom at the end of the world  

A book about matsutake, their economies and ecologies

The way through the woods                  

A book about mourning and mushrooms

Entangled Life

How fungi make our worlds, change our minds and shape our futures     

State of the world’s fungi report

Kew’s report on the state of fungi from many angles          

21st Century Guidebook to Fungi

Free online mycology book                  


Observing + documenting fungi

Collecting mushrooms for scientific study

Introduction to proper documentation

Articles on description and documentation

Collected by Patrick Leacock

Chemical stains and tests for fungi

By John Plischke


Using a microscope to study mushrooms

Michael Kuo's guide

Microscopes and the amateur mycologist

A beginner's guide

Alan Rockefeller lecture on fungal microscopy

Lecture to NYMS

Article on mycological microscopy

Advice on choosing equipment

Introduction to microscopy

Techniques and characteristics to look for

Fungal spore library

A wide array of different spores


Tool for measuring spores on a computer

Translation of Piximetre manual

By Bharati Mandapati

Helicon Focus

Stacking software

A buyer’s guide to compound microscopes

New vs used, essential features etc

Leon Tanghe’s guide to the microscope

By Leo, a Rochester area mycologist


Spectacular assortment of reagents and more

Fungal Microscopy by M No Line

How to get started with fungal microscopy

Elan Trybuch’s guide to Fiji

Protocol for microscopy measurement software

Fungal sequencing                           

Mushroom DNA Barcoding lecture

Very comprehensive lecture by Alan Rockefeller

Impact of DNA sequencing on taxonomy

Benefits and consequences of DNA analysis of fungi


Search engine for genetic sequences

Fungal sequencing Facebook group    

Supportive community

Introduction to fungal DNA sequencing

Great lecture by Damon Tighe

PCR in pictures                                   

By Alan Rockefeller

Tools for viewing sequencing data        

Compiled by Genewiz

Cleaning a sequence                           

By Alan Rockefeller

A path to knowing the mushrooms of Illinois

Lecture on citizen science and sequencing Indiana’s fungi 

Creating phylogenetic trees                  

Once you have a sequence and want to know where it fits

Uploading sequences to Genbank        

Adding sequences to the public record

Setting up and using a PCR home lab

A YouTube video series

Extracting + amplifying DNA at home 

A guide and protocol for beginners

Alan Rockefeller protocol here and here (which has a great section on analyzing results at the end)

Comprehensive lecture by Alan Rockefeller that includes PCR process, sequence analysis and tree building. 

Everymanbio on at-home sequencing, sending your samples to the lab  and interpreting the results

Harte Singer on editing a trace file, analyzing that sequence with BLAST, building a contig from forward and reverse reads using Seqtrace, and saving your contig and checking it with BLAST

Philosophical/practical issues               

The unbearable lightness of sequence-based identification

History of mycology                          

Biographical sketches of NA mycologists

By Hesler; from Ames all the way to Zundel

Women mycologists                              

Through the ages

Women taxonomists                             

Focus on mycology

Mycologists of the 19th Century             

Downloadable article in Mycotaxon by Ron Petersen

Relative Finder

A Family Search tool that shows how you’re related to various famous mycologists (requires login)

Psychoactive fungi                           

The Shroomery                                    Magic mushrooms demystified, lively forums

Psychoactive fungi lecture Alan Rockefeller presentation on psychoactive fungi

Psychoactive fungi lecture                     History, identification, therapeutic uses; North East focus

Community science                       

Data is not the destination

Lecture by Christian Schwarz on community science

Introduction to citizen science                       NYMS intro lecture including role and use of iNat, NAMP

Citizen Science Association

An organization seeking to move community science forward

Fungal conservation

The Global Fungal Red List

A conservation effort that seeks to have fungi red-listed

Fungal conservation article database

Articles about different aspects of fungal conservation

Lost and Found Fungi Project

Kew’s project to rediscover rare and vulnerable fungi

Kew’s State of the World’s Fungi

Chapters on climate change and fungal conservation

Fundación Fungi

Saving the world, one mushroom at a time


Medicinal mushrooms                      

Dianna Smith on medicinal mushrooms Covering a number of species


Phylogenetics/cladistics and trees   

Tree thinking                                       A downloadable book about phylogenetic trees


Mushroom growing                          

Radical Mycology

Peter McCoy's guide to seeing and working with fungi

Facebook group on mushroom growing Troubleshooting and advice

DIY mushroom cultivation

By Willoughby Arevalo


Mushroom fermentation

Downloadable PDF

Koji Alchemy

Book about mold-based fermentation                                                         

Dyeing with mushrooms                   

Dyeing protein fibers with mushrooms

A NAMA guide

Bloom & Dye

How to’ guide

The best mushrooms for color

A NAMA guide

Fungal and bacterial pigments

A research paper



Gary Lincoff's site   

From scientific papers to songs + poems

David Rose on John Cage, mycologist

PDF of an article that appeared in Fungi magazine

Precipitation map

NAOO’s weather map of past precipitation (7/14 days)



General introductions to fungi                                              

Gary Lincoff on Gilled Mushrooms                                          

Learn your Land - Adam Haritan’s video series on identifying common wild mushrooms

Bill Yule on how we identify mushrooms                                       

Identifying Russulas, earth stars, blewits by Anna McHugh

Lectures on general topics                                                    

Donald Pfister - Estimating Fungal Diversity                              

Christian Schwarz - Mycology into the 21st Century                   

Christian Schwarz - DNA sequencing and citizen science          

An Oral History of Mycology                              

Lecture on fungal biology, mycoremediation and culturing by Craig Trester       

The secret language of trees      

The amazing realm of molds                                                                                         

Lectures on specific species                                                 

Alan Rockefeller on psychoactive mushrooms in California 

Bill Yule on boletes                                                                

Alan Rockefeller on the fungi of Mexico                   

Dr Brian Perry on bioluminescent fungi                 

Hans-Otto Baral on Orbiliomycetes                                        

Bart Buyck on Russula in North America                                     

David Hibbett on how mushrooms changed the world                 

Donald Pfister on Orbiliomycetes                 

Fetid Russulas in North America lecture by Peter Avis



Fantastic fungi                               

A film about fungi and people who love them

Know your mushrooms

Gary Lincoff and Larry Evans on the role of mushrooms in culture

Creeping Gardens                   

 A film about slime molds

What was the first fungus?

YouTube movie





An inventory of all US herbaria (search button is below the fold)


Includes some of the fungi sequenced by NAMP projects


Database with many resources and writings on fungi

508 free mushroom books

A resource by John Plischke

List of North American mushroom clubs/societies

Affiliated with the North American Mycological Society (NAMA) 

General list


Mushroom Revival Some real gems among these interviews with scientists and others

Mushroom Hour Interviews with experts on growing, foraging, therapeutic uses

Fungitown Over 20 episodes


Recorded pronunciations How to say the names

Index Fungorum All the latest names

MycoBank The other inventory of species/names

Mycological word of the day Rob Hallock’s Facebook group that focuses on Etymology

Origins + Meanings of Fungi Names


Specialist retailers                                  

Mycoboutique Mushroom-focused store in Montreal, does mail order


Mycologos Radical Mycology/Peter McCoy's online mushroom school

Specialist bookstores

NHBS Books on wildlife, ecology & conservation

Koeltz Botanical books                  Botanical books



Sites where people track their finds

iNaturalist                                     A great place to record and ID your observation, view those of 

others and engage; also available as an app

Mushroom Observer                     A site for recording mushroom finds; unlike iNat, it's only for fungi

Sites with knowledgeable users who can help with identification

AscoFrance                                A helpful community of ascomycete enthusiasts and descriptions 

of a vast range of ascos

Coprophile Pilze All dung fungi, all the time, serious expertise (in German)

Reddit Mycology

Reddit Ascomycete


The Mushroom Identification Forum  The largest of the big Facebook mushroom ID groups

Amanita of North America             A lively Facebook group moderated by the world's leading expert 

on amanitas, Rod Tulloss

Amanita Erlon Bailey’s Amanita Facebook Group

Ascomycetes of North America      Where people share interesting NA asco finds

Ascomycetes of the world              Moderated by one of the world's greatest asco experts, Björn Wergen

Boletes of North America             Lively group during bolete season, with several bolete experts on 

hand for IDs

This Looks Like a Job For Michel Beeckman For Coprinoid ID and questions (Coprinellus, Coprinus, Coprinopsis

Coprophilic Fungi For the Dung-lovers

Coral Mushrooms of North America A group focusing on all the North American “coral” fungi

Cordyceps: Elaphocordyceps, For all your Cordycep sensu lato fungi
Metacordyceps, Ophiocordyceps,

Cortinarius ID + discussion group (NA) A group focused on Cortinarius, with experts on hand

Cortinarius A Cortinarius group that is not specific to North America

Crust fungi and polypores Where people share and ID interesting crusts and polypores

Entoloma A group focusing on Entoloma

Fungal microscopy                        Where people share fascinating microscopic images of fungi

Ganoderma Worldwide A group focusing on Ganoderma

Gasteroid Fungi A group focusing on the gasteroid fungi

Gymnopilus International For Gymnopilus

Gymnopilus of North America For Gymnopilus in North America

Waxcap Mushrooms (Hygrophoraceae) Hygrophoraceae in North America
of North America

Inocybe A group focusing on Inocybe

Lepiota and Friends For Lepiota sensu lato

Marine Fungi A group focused on marine fungi

Decoding Melanoleuca For Melanoleuca

Mycenaceae A group for Mycenaceae

Phallales A group for all the stinkhorns

Pluteus International A group devoted to Pluteus

Pyrophilous Fungi For fungi that occur after burns

Russula A whole group just for trying to narrow down your Russula

Lactarius, Lactifluus, Russula, Multifurca A group focusing on the Russulaceae
& genera within Russulaceae

Rusts, Smuts, and other Phytoparasitic Fungi For your phytoparasitic fungi

Slime Mold Identification & Appreciation For ID and information on Myxomycetes

Strophariaceae and Hymenogastraceae A group focusing on Strophariaceae and Hymenogastraceae

Tremellales, Dacrymycetaceae, A group devoted to celebrating and IDing everything jelly

Auriculariales And Other Jelly Fungi

Tricholoma of North America A group focusing on Tricholoma in North America

Truffles of the World A group focusing on Truffles

arbcology wood decaying fungi for A group for arborists, but a great place to learn about wood decay fungi
arborists and mycologists

Xylaria ID, Discussion & Appreciation A group focusing on Xylaria

Latest Mycological Research + Taxonomy  If you want to keep track of the latest research and name changes

Mushroom Parasites A group for parasitic fungi

False Morels Demystified For ID and learning about anything called a “False Morel” 

Mushroom Edibility and Discussion Fantastic group to learn about cooking and eating different mushrooms

Fungal Microscopy For all your fungal microscopy questions

Mushroom events of the USA        A list of mushroom-related events large and small

Indiana Mushrooms An exemplary local group with experts 

Agar Of Asgard A group focused on DIY home-lab work with agar 

Mycological Word of the Day A great place to learn and understand mushroom lingo


@inaturalist                             Amazing pictures from the natural world every day

@biodiversiphile                              Christian Schwarz's feed

@alan_rockefeller                          Interesting pictures eg Mexican fungi, bioluminescent fungi, 

events/classes Alan leads

@AphyllophoroidFungiOfChile About polypores and corticioids recorded in Chile

@damontighe                                 Citizen science, natural world, fungi, sequencing, education

@werdnus_roo                              Roo Vandegrift's feed; fungi, art, documentary making

@learnyourland                               Adam Haritan's feed, education on fungi

@FFungi Fungi Foundation of Chile, have been doing great live interviews

@kallampero                                 Danny Newman's feed - South American fungi

@mycosymbiote                        William Padilla-Brown's feed - cordyceps, growing, sequencing

@fishroom_man                             Rich Tehan’s feed; Cordyceps and Tolypocladium

@mycohobo                                  Noah Siegel's feed; stunning pictures from far-off locales

@giulifungi                                   Giuliana Furci's personal feed

@sarah.lloyd.tasmania Stunning myxomycete pix

@jawnattenborough Bethany Teigen’s observations (Philadelphia Mycology Club)

@nyc.myc                                     Mushroom educator Craig Trester's feed

@fungus_fairy                                Artist Andrew Cannon's feed on fungi and foraging

@oh_myco                                     Member Kat Moon's beautiful mushroom drawings

@dung_fungi                                  A dung fungi-only feed

@specialnothing                      Mushroom photographer and artist Phyllis Ma

@newyorkmyc The best finds of the New York Mycological Society

@nhmymycology Bryn Dentinger’s feed

@jamesmitchell1917                    James Kameron Mitchell's feed

@thefriendlyfungus                     Pretty mushroom pictures

@fungi.photography                       Beautiful mushroom pictures

@the_fungal_future                        Pretty mushroom pictures

@discomycete                                Pretty mushroom pictures

@fungachilena Information about fungi from Chile


Robert Blanchette Forest fungi, wood decomposition, ethnomycology

Danny Haelewaters Parasitic fungi on bats and ladybugs

Jason Stajich Evolution of fungi using genomics

Marc Buee Microbial ecology, fungi, forest, mycorrhizal symbiosis

Jason Slot Fungal evolution researcher at Ohio State, eg Psilocybe

Fungal Genomes Digesting the fungal genomes

Matt Kasson Fungus-arthropod interactions, eg Massospora

MSA Mycological Society of America’s feed

Mycocosm Fungal Genomics Resource of the Joint Genome Institute

RokasLab Fungal evolution


Assortment of keys

Interactive general key              

General keys by Læssøe and Petersen inc wheels from Fungi of Temperate Europe

Interactive ascomycete key       

Interactive bolete filter               


Interactive Inocybaceae key

Key to odorous mushroom species

Mushrooms that grow on other mushrooms


Pictorial key to mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest


Amanita Sect. Lepidella



Corticioid fungi    


Cortinarius subgenus Myxacium


Dung fungi Vast repository of dung fungi keys     



Interactive Geoglossum key



Lactarius (Bessette)                            





Russula - Kibby + Fatto               The key to Russulas of the North East

Interactive Scutellinia key   



Trichopeziza By Hans-Otto Baral

Wax caps (Bessette)

Wood decay fungi                     



Finding Fungi


December Fungi