December 2022
108 observations
64 Unique species
1. Irpex lacteus Milk-white Toothed Polypore
2. Schizophyllum commune Splitgill Mushroom
3. Trametes versicolor Turkey-Tail
4. Trametes hirsuta Hairy Bracket
5. Panellus stipticus Luminescent Panellus
6. Stereum striatum Silky Parchment
7. Coniophora puteana Wet Rot
8. Phlebia radiata Wrinkled Crust
9. Neonectria faginata Beech Bark Canker Fungus
10. Trametes betulina Gilled Polypore
11. Pleurotus ostreatus Oyster Mushroom
12. Phyllotopsis nidulans Stinking Orange Oyster
13. Grifola frondosa Hen of the Woods
14. Plicaturopsis crispa Crimped Gill
15. Exidia glandulosa Black Witches' Butter
16. Daedalea quercina Oak Mazegill
17. Coprinellus micaceus Mica Cap
18. Laccaria laccata Deceiver
19. Calocera cornea Club-like Tuning Fork
20. Steccherinum ochraceum Ochre Spreading Tooth
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6 people uploaded:
Large and charismatic species, first time encounters, user preference, and location bias affect which species are documented. This data does NOT reflect which species are more commonly found in nature.
Irpex lacteus
Schizophyllum commune Splitgill Mushroom
Chlorociboria aeruginascens Green Wood Cup
Larry Millman reads a Christmas Story to club members
Trametes hirsuta
Melissa Guillet https://www.15minutefieldtrips.org
Merulius tremellosus
Panellus stipticus
Daedaleopsis confragosa Thin-walled Maze Polypore
Akanthomyces tuberculatus