We aim to teach others how to collect high quality data. Fungi were considered “lesser plants” until 1969. They have been placed in their own Kingdom, yet they remain understudied as well as underrepresented. A greater understanding of Rhode Island’s fungi, especially their diversity and rarity, is necessary.
Fungi need your HELp!

We hope to increase fungal awareness. Empowering land owners/managers to learn about fungi can increase understanding of each site's unique ecological community. This will help assess risk, monitor change and improve decisions with respect to future land management.

Contributing to Science can be as easy as snapping a photo with a cell phone!
The Fungal Diversity Survey's Northeast Rare fungi Challenge. Click the image to learn more...
Fungal Conservation
Presentation by FunDiS Board member Greg Mueller on fungal conservation. At the Biodiversity Without Borders 2021 virtual conference, May 3, 2021. (fundis.org)
Crowdsourcing: Fungal Biodiversity
Presentation given by Bill Sheehan at the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Virtual Conference 2021 Crowdsourcing Fungal Biodiversity: Approaches and standards used by an all-volunteer community science project.
How to Collect Macrofungal Specimens for Scientific Research.
Presented by the North American Mycological Association (namyco.org) and the Fungal Diversity Survey (fundis.org)
*Thank you to the many people involved in creating these videos, and sharing their knowledge. Thank you to the Fungal Diversity Survey, and others for sharing free and accessible educational materials.